Streetwize Vehicle & Personal GPS Tracker Installation

RoughTrax have made this video to make it easier to understand how the Streetwize Tracker works and how simple it is to install.

Simply send the tracker a text message from your mobile phone & the tracker will reply with a map of the GPS location, speed, time, date & remaining battery life.

Ideal for tracking for all types of vehicles, caravans, trailers, motorbikes, infact anything you want to track that can receive the signal.

We have also had customers purchase them for people with Alzheimer's by care homes, walking your dog, car parks & finding your tent at festivals, the Police for assessing theft trends on performance cars, and more recently a courier Company that had parcels being taken by a relief driver, so you can see it truly is a versatile little device.

This tracker will literally track anything straight back to your mobile phone, PC or tablet using the GPS co-ordinates on Google Maps.

To view or purchase a tracker please follow this link -
