GPS Tracker TK-102 Setup

Tracker Commands - Manual - app: Gps Tracker TK - App - Symbian app - described here online with auto tracking, register at at: sim card is inserted with an active sim card (make sure sim card has caller ID on).

SMS Commands-

1. Password reset

The password is important, because every command you sent to the tracker need to follow with the password. The default password is "123456", and you may want to change it once you ready to use, to change the password send a message include "password+old password new password" to the tracker.

For example "password123456 567890" will change your password from "123456" into "567890". Note: password must be 6 digits long.

2. Authorization

You can authorize 5 different number on the allow list, so they can command the tracker.

There is two way to authorize, one is calling, number, then this number will automatically became one authorized number.

The most convenient way, send a message in the format of "admin+password cell phone number" to the tracker.

Example: Send "admin123456 1234567" will authorize 1234567 on the allow list.

To remove a number from the allow list then send sms in the format of "noadmin+password cell phone number".

Example: Send "noadmin123456 1234567" will exclude the number 1234567 from the allow


If you're calling the tracker outside your own region(or country) then make sure to place the area code or country in front of the number.
