5 Best GPS Trackers For Children & Pets, Never Lose Sight Of What's Important #1

0:00 Findster Duo - The 1st GPS Pet Tracker Free of Monthly Fees!

Findster Duo tracks your pets’ location using GPS with no data fees, and rewards you for keeping them healthy! Smart. Connected. Fun.

Link: Iota: Never lose sight of what's important.

The smallest, longest-lasting GPS tracker in the world. But it does WAY more, and all on a new nationwide network with no monthly fees.

Link: Trax: Next generation mini GPS tracker for Children and Pets

Trax is a tiny and smart GPS tracker that locates your Children and Pets using an intuitive App. It's easy to use and affordable!

Link: Pip: Never lose your pets

Pip is a small GPS and activity tracker for dogs and cats with great battery life, nationwide coverage and added connectivity.

Link: KYON:The pet collar re-invented

KYON is the first pet collar with embedded GPS technology and the only one with LED display that makes communication with your pet even easier. You no longer have to guess what your pet is feeling.

