Android GPS Shield App for Arduino Projects

This GPS Shield app functions just like the real GPS Shield but in a simpler way. You just need to launch the app, establish Bluetooth connection with pre-paired devices such as HC-06 or Bluetooth Bee connected to an Arduino Board and press the 'ON' button. Wait for a few seconds (for open space) and the app will start giving you your current coordinates. The coordinates information is sent in simple serial string with customizable headers (NOT in NMEA format) that needs a string parser program on the Arduino side. The coordinates information can be used by your projects for many applications such as vehicle tracking or kids monitoring system, you just name it!

This app eliminates the use of hardware GPS board which can cut down your project costs.

Update (for the Pro version only): Now you can send the coordinates in the map form along some other information of your location to Telegram app. Open your Telegram Messenger app, search for "gps2telebot" then Click "START" after selecting the bot. Request your Chat ID from the bot by typing "/myid" and use the Chat ID in this GPS Shield Pro app to receive your current location.

This Pro version also can work in background and during the screen is off, which will definitely save your phone's power. If you have any question please ask me.

Thank you!

Background Music: "Happiness" by

Android GPS Shield app: (Pro)

Bluetooth Serial Monitor (Full)

Bluetooth Serial Terminal (Full)

Arduino's sample string parsing code for this my new videos featuring this 3WD omnidirectional robot performing obstacle avoidance task at and localization challenge at using Android smartphone as the main controller to carry out image processing job through color detection approach. For training session, watch it at you can track your device's current location for real-time people and property surveillance purpose using Telegram Messenger via this TeleGPS app:
