Hard Wired Active GPS Tracking Unit - Review

Click here to purchase this product - 10am to 6pm everyone, my name is Tim and I am one of the product specialists here at Spy Centre Security, thee Spy Gear Super Store. I’m here today to talk to you about the Hard Wired Active GPS Tracking Unit we call the UFH.

This unit is an active GPS tracker that actually gets wired into the vehicle for constant power. This tracker is identical to our Portable GPS tracker when it comes to specifications and features without the worry of having to recharge batteries. This makes it ideal for long term use as well as commercial vehicles. This video is going to be mainly focused on the specific specs and features of this specific tracker. If you're looking for a more informational video on how to choose a tracker I would recommend watching our “How To Choose A GPS Tracker” Video located on the main category page.

Since this is an active GPS tracker you can view the data from your computer or even a smart phone. This tracker is rather unique because to view it you simply go to a website so you don't have to install any programs or apps on your phones or computers. When you log into the website you are able to see the vehicle whether it's in motion or not, you are also able to look back at the history of where the car has been for up to 90 days in the past. You can print or download any of these reports as well.

This tracker is heavily geared towards commercial use since it does require you to wire it into the vehicle itself. However, I do have people use this tracker to do all sorts of things from tracking children all the way to tracking fleets of vehicles. Since it is an active tracker there is a service fee per month to view the data, however there is no contract, data cap or hidden fees. It includes all of the features and the history recording for that price. Some of the features of this tracker include things like pin point accuracy up to 3 feet, that's close enough to see what parking spot someone is parked in! There are also things like geo fence alerts to know when a vehicle has entered or exited a specific area, speeding and aggressive driving alerts and even reports for excessive idling. And that's just the most popular things that it's capable of.

Since this tracker requires you to wire it into the vehicle it does come with a wiring diagram but it will take some basic knowledge of vehicles in order to install. We recommend contacting a local custom car place next to where you live in order to get this installed.
